If your home’s exterior requires an upgrade, a fresh coat of paint is ideal, as this will completely transform the appearance of your property. If this is a project you are interested in, Spring is the perfect time to complete this task, and here are the reasons why:

  1. Stresses caused by weather will be noticeable in the Spring. The harsh sun can affect your paint colour and your wood’s durability. Although this may not be noticeable right away and the wood can rot, nails can rust, and water may seep into your wood, leading to several costly headaches. These signs are all problematic but may not always be visible during the fall or winter months when we are stuck inside, and Spring is when you will see how badly your home’s exterior has been stressed by weather. If you notice that the condition of your paint is concerning, Spring is the perfect time for a fresh new coat. 
  2. It’s a great time to improve your home’s curb appeal. Whether you’re planning on selling your home or are bored of the same old colours, painting the exterior of your house will instantly improve your home’s curb appeal. This will provide you and guests with a great first impression which is incredibly important for anyone trying to sell their house as potential buyers need to love the home right away, and the exterior of the house is the first thing they will see. This aspect needs to stand out, and beautiful new colours and fresh paint will generate interest. 
  3. The weather is ideal. Summers can be sweltering, fall is often windy and unpredictable, and winter is too cold, so repairs and upgrades on your home can be challenging to complete. On the other hand, Spring is the perfect season when the weather is not too hot or too cold so that repairs will be a lot less challenging. Your paint will be able to dry perfectly, and you will achieve the results you are after as temperatures are not as extreme. Additionally, painting the exterior of your home during the Spring will allow you to enjoy your summer because all of the necessary repairs and upgrades will already be completed. 
  4. It’s the right time to increase the value of your house. A fresh coat of paint will make a world of difference and instantly increase your home’s value, so it’s worth completing this cost-effective project. 

Getting the exterior of your home painted by a professional will increase the value of your house even more, and you can rely on the experts at Demiri Painting for this task. We specialize in exterior painting, and our contractors will always provide you with beautiful results, so if you’re ready to improve your house, contact us today to hear more about our painting services!

We offer exterior painting services across Toronto including Etobicoke, Forest Hill, North York, and The Annex.